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Das Symposium von Budapest
Summary of the discussions of the Working Group C
Report submitted by Alina Radoi, legal adviser
in the Ministry of Justice of Romania -
First of all, let me thank, on behalf of myself and my colleagues for the very competent and complete presentations that Dr. Brenn and Dr. Schmidbauer gave us on different aspects related to the new and interesting field of e-commerce.
Now, continuing the report submitted by our colleague from Poland, in
the second part of yesterday's session we dealt with the topic of
consumer protection in using electronic sale structures.
The speaker for this session, Dr. Schmidbauer - judge at the Salzburg
Regional Court, presented the EC Regulations on consumer protection,
related to e-commerce.
Also, he referred to this matter from the point of view of the Austrian
legislation and national case law.
With respect to these references, there were highlighted the objectives of
the Regulations on consumer protection, as well as the most sensitive
aspects of this field.
In practice, one of the main challenges lies in the difficult implementation of consumer's rights. Such an example is the difficulty for the individual consumer to bring before courts cases against a business from another country. This is why the role of the consumers' protection organizations will have to increase.
Also, we were presented with the main provisions from the European Directives, highlighting that these Directives contain only minimal criteria to be accomplished, each state having the possibility to complete them, by adopting their own legislation in this respect.
It was mentioned, as well, that, as far as Tele-sales are concerned,
there are recent provisions dated from September 23rd, 2002
concerning the distance marketing of consumer financial services). The
transpose of its provisions in the domestic legislation is stipulated
for 2004.
It was envisaged, also, that the EU protection of the consumers will
increase its importance, due to the economic policy aiming at
strengthening of the internal market in the light of the further process
of law approximation and the enlargement of the EU.
Following Dr. Schmidbauer's presentation, the participant countries have discussed about the approximation stage of their domestic regulations in this area.
Using the alphabetical order, I will start with Bosnia-Herzegovina.
In this country, there are three authorities responsible for consumer
protection issues: Ministry of External Commerce, Competion Council,
Council for the Protection of Consumers.
Regarding the legislative aspects of this field, Bosnia-Herzegovina has
adopted special rules on consumer protection, like the liability for
general use products, and distance contracts. The law on e-commerce in
this country is to be adopted.
In the Czech Republic, the responsible body in the area of
consumer protection is the Ministry for Industry and Trade. This
ministry deals with legislative aspects among which is the harmonization
of domestic legislation with the EC Directives and, also, is supervising
the organizations for consumers' protection.
The consumer protection regulations are placed in the Civil Code, but it
is envisaged to be regulated in a special law.
In Estonia, the legislation on consumers' protection consists of
two acts:
- liability law, which is a part of the Civil Code that was adopted in
July 2002;
- the Consumers' Protection Act
A draft of a new consumers' protection act will be soon submitted to the
Parliament, and will guarantee the compliance with EC Directives.
Concerning the e-commerce, this will be regulated through a separate law.
Now, about Hungary, generally, its legislation complies with EC
Directives. The issues that arise are mainly from the point of view of
their implementation.
Among the most important Hungarian laws in the area of consumers'
protection are: Law on manufacturers' liability and Contract law
regulated by the Civil Code.
In Hungary, the organization for consumers' protection is under the
authority of the Ministry of Economy.
In Latvia, the law on consumers' protection dates from the early
90's. The competent authority is under the subordination of the Ministry
of the Economy.
The law on electronic signature was passed on October 31, 2002 and will
come into force in January 2003.
Also, a draft of concept paper on e-commerce is on its early stage. From
the working group that is drafting this concept paper will result,
probably, amendments on the consumers' protection legislation.
The consumer protection legislation in Poland consists of:
- Law from March 3, 2002 on protection of certain consumers' rights and
liability for damages caused by a dangerous product. This is a separate
act, outside of the Civil Code, but includes amendments to the Civil
Code with respect to the unfair contractual terms.
- Another law is from 2001 on protection of purchasers with respect to the
use of immovable property on time - sharing basis.
- The law from 2002 on group interests of consumers introduces collateral
consumers' claims (the so-called "injunctions").
- The Law from June 2002 on consumer sale, which implements the EC 99/44
Directive, is also a part of Poland's legislation.
- In Poland, the governmental body for consumers' protection is the Office
for Protection of Competition and Consumers.
Because of the problems connected with the progress and dynamics of
European Law in this area, Poland chose to implement EC Directives
outside the Civil Code, leaving only the principle matters in this code.
Such a way has, nevertheless, its disadvantages for consumers, who are
ordinary people and who do not have access all the time to the relevant
acts in this matter.
In Slovakia, the Ministry of the Economy is the competent body
in consumers' protection area, having legislative initiative in this
The organization of consumers' protection in Slovakia is under the
authority of the Ministry of the Economy and it is called the Slovak
business protection.
As far as Romania is concerned, in the last few years, there
were adopted important pieces of regulations concerning the consumer
protection field. This legislation was, of course, related to the
provisions regarding the contracts from our Civil Code that was adopted
in 1865.
So, the Romanian legislation deals with general provisions concerning the
consumers' protection. The main principles in this area are contained in
a law that also sets up the National Authority for the Protection of the
With regard to the EC Directives, Romania has several laws regarding the
selling outside the commercial areas, the unfair competition, the
liability for defective products and the legal regime of distance
Regarding the consumers' protection in the field of e-commerce, alongside
the general provisions, we can mention:
- Law no.455/2001 on electronic commerce
- Law no.365/2002 on e/commerce
- Government Ordinance no.79/2002 on the general framework of
The law on e-commerce contains the main provisions from the EC Directive
on e-commerce.
The main principles of this law are:
- free movement of the services for the information society;
- commercial communications through electronic means;
- Contract conclusion through electronic means.
For the main purpose of consumers' protection, the law contains provisions
regarding the competent authorities that will supervise the e-commerce
activity. These authorities, the NGO's with the scope of consumers'
protection and the Ministry of Justice are responsible for regulating a
Code of Conduct that is meant to guarantee the correct implementation of
the law on e-commerce and on electronic signature.
Another aspect of the law is the establishing of the degree of liability
of service providers acting as intermediaries.
The law contains, also, special provisions regarding dispute settlements.
Thus, cases can be brought to courts by the consumer itself, but also, by
the NGO's from the field of consumers' protection, the National
Authority for Consumers' Protection or the entities constituted with
this purpose in the Member States of EU.
In accordance with Article 17 from the Directive on e/commerce, disputes
may be, also, settled out of court, throughout arbitration.
The law contains also, civil and administrative remedies for infringements
of the rules regarding the contracts of the information society.
There are also, stipulated, offences committed in relation to the issuance
and use of electronic payment instruments and the use of identification
data for the purpose of undertaking financial operations.
These are, of course, in brief, the relevant aspects that were
discussed by the participants in the second part of the Working Group on
legal requirements and problems related to e-commerce.
As a conclusion, the participants of the working group agreed that
consumers' protection in electronic sales is a subject that needs to be
further developed in connection with the implementation of the EC
Directives on electronic sales.
Thank you.